Custom Plugin Development
Wordpress Plugins
We have a wealth of experience managing Wordpress sites and building bespoke plugins. Let us know what you need and we will help you to find the best way to do it.
We provide open source plugins so should your first point of call for support/customisations to those. We're also happy to tweak/extend open source plugins from other developers so if you have some special requirements or just need some help integrating the plugin with your site please get in touch, let us know what you need and we'll be happy to take a look.
Open Sourced Plugins

WP Custom Fields Search
Adds advanced catalogue-style filtering functionality to your Wordpress Site

WP Custom Fields Search Premium
COMING SOON - We're putting together a collection of the most requested advanced functionality

WP Calendar Events to Post
COMING SOON - Synchronisation plugin to pull in events from google calendar as posts.